
I got caugh in the end of 2014. It seems like a bad luck, however I would take it as a gift and warn to make me take a rest and review my life habits.


maybe it was a super busy year which was too fast to take care my health n mind. Therefor my body made a protest to stop the celebration. Instead, I took a full reset during the holidays: sleep over 8 hrs a day, eat  nature n fresh food, drink lots of warm water,etc. these were ignored in the past. 


It's grateful that I got a a chance to stop consuming my energy n power in meaningless things. I hv enough time to take a rest n make Amy body balance. It's hard to take balance in usual life. Even in holidays, we usually waste our time on entertainmenets, alcohols, electronic devices, etc. we don't pursue our true heart; don't listen to what our soul needs or our body needs. It's dangerous If we keep ignore what our body's needs. 


Due to this caugh, I hv time to stop and look around where I am n what I'm ding for. I review my life habit n find I didn't treat myself well. So I start to find back my good habits and write my wishes.


I truly believe that I will be a good year for me, no matter in career or relationship or health. I will progress and be a better me.



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